Privacy policy

Please note that this isn't a legal document and it wasn't written by anyone with any legal knowledge; it's just designed to give you some information

This website uses GoatCounter to provide some basic statistics on pageviews. I believe that there is a legitimate interest for me to see how many people are visiting my site.

GoatCounter may store the following information (and nothing else):

  • URL of the visited page.
  • Referer header.

Browser language, screen size, browser & system information (derived from User-Agent header or HTTP client hints), and country & region name (derived from the IP address), which some GoatCounter instances may store, are not stored by this instance.

GoatCounter stores a unique identifier in memory for each page visit for 8 hours; this is to distinguish between a page view and a page visit. No personally identifiable information is extractable from this identifier, or it is prohibitavely expensive to do so; these identifiers are never permanently stored anywhere and are not accessible to anyone. Read more.

You may disable use of GoatCounter on this website by using an adblocker. If you have an adblocker, but wish to support me in improving this website, most adblockers will allow you to whitelist specific domains.

You can also toggle GoatCounter using the button below:

Note that this will expire if you clear cookies from your browser (although it doesn't use cookies, it uses localStorage; it will never leave your browser).

This website also uses Disqus for comments, which has its own privacy policy. Disqus may show adverts to you but I have explicitly opted out of personalised ads for this website. You can manage your Disqus data here.

If you have dismissed the banner at the top of the page that tells you about this privacy policy, an item in localStorage is set so the banner isn't shown again. The fact that you have dismissed the banner is not shared anywhere and can't be used to identify you; it stays in your browser.

Other information that may be relevant: