
You can wash your hands in a buffalo

"What's the difference between a buffalo and a bison?"
Is a question swept away by many a Dyson;
Considered by all too many as solved,
I'd like to suggest that it's still not resolved.

I've often wondered if anyone tried
To clean their hands in a buffalo's hide,
Or if they assumed (incorrectly of course)
That a bovine's fur is like that of a horse.

If they'd just tried they might have discovered
That a buffalo's coat is simply smothered
In anti-bacterial disinfectant solution
That's plant-based and causes zero pollution -

What's more it's not even packaged in plastic,
Hence why the turtles are extra ecstatic
When rather than buying from your local Tescos
You just find yourself some nice buffalos.

Their saliva can magically heal any wound,
Whilst their horns will keep any tree or bush pruned;
Their hooves will stamp out your worries and fears,
Though their breath really stinks after a couple of beers.

So why are you waiting after hearing all that?
Go find a buffalo and have a nice chat!
They're also excellent at playing the fiddle,
(Which can be bought from the middle of Lidl).